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Reassign Batch

09/05/22 Move products between lots by reassign them to their corresponding lot

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de 2 años

You can now reassign products to their corresponding batch in our new Reassign Batch window, allowing you to perform the assignment of products and batches and to manage their amounts.

This to improve the management of lots, as in some cases you may assign all of the generic products within a locator to one single lot and then to redistribute those products according to their expiration dates.

Check the steps below to see how this functionality works.

  1. Go to Reassign batch window and Create a new record:

2. Fill all of the missing information for the header such as description, date and Warehouse.

3. Save.

4. Add a new line of products

5. Enter the name of the product you will move between batches. Now select the original lot for this product (the one you will the products from) and click Accept.

If you cannot view every option in this pop-up window, try zooming out your web browser.

This will generate the line for the original lot. Now you will need to create a second line, this time for the lot where this product will be moved.

Note: Original lot must have this product in inventory, see example below:

6. Now enter the name of the product again and create a new lot (right click and New Lot) or select it from the list :

7. Now select the first line and enter the new amount (discounted amount in inventory). Example: If we are moving 10 units, we will substract that quantity from the Quantity Registered.

8. Save.

Repeat the process for the second line, this time you will need to add the units you moved between lots.


Both Quantity Counted and Quantity Registered columns must have the same amounts or else you will not be able to finish this process.

9. To complete this process, click on context menu and select Document Action.

10. Select Complete and confirm.



  • In order to create a new lot for any products, they must have checked the Lot box in Product Maintenance (Charge Master II).

  • Quantities difference must be the same as quantities change in real inventory movements, or else document action cannot not be completed.


October 3rd 2022

Reassign Batch Quantities Improvement

In order to allow users add both original and final lots for products at the same time as well as letting them set their new amounts during this process, we have improved this window to simplify the steps shown above.

See how simple we made it now :

  1. After creating the document header with warehouse information, click add to enter information about the movement lines:

  2. Enter product name

  3. Enter lot name (for original lot, which is the one we are moving this product from)

  4. Click add to insert the second line

  5. Select the destination lot from the list or right click on this field to create a new one.

  6. Amounts were automatically charged on Cirrus, change this information with their new quantities

  7. Click Accept.

In our example original amounts were of 53 and 22 packages. We wanted to move 2 packages to our new lot so we entered our new amounts: 51 and 24.

See how both lines were created. If you wish to edit this information select any of those lines.

8. To complete this movement, click context menu and select Document Action. Finally, select Completed and confirm.

We hope this improves your Cirrus experience. Remember to share this information and ask for help if you need it.

Date: September 5th, 2022.

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