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PDF with Encounter Integrated Files in Abstracting window
PDF with Encounter Integrated Files in Abstracting window

10/17/22 Generate in Abstracting (Coding) a new PDF integrated file with relevant encounter downloadables

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de una semana

We have now implemented a new feature in Abstracting (Coding) window where you can download a summarized report with all of the relevant reports for any encounter that is ready to be coded or that has been coded already (completed status) . Here's how it works:

  1. Select any encounter in Abstracting and click context menu. Then, click Generate PDF:

  2. Now type file name, which is how you would like to call your PDF.

  3. Enter what type of documents you would like to attach to this PDF :

    • Encounter Balance

    • Radiology Report

    • UCAF 2.0

    • Dispensed Medications Report

    • Laboratory Report

      They will be attached as long as there is any existing on Cirrus for this encounter.

  4. Confirm

    Your PDF will be downloaded locally, please open it to validate these reports.


In our example, we have printed a single PDF with Encounter Balance, UCAF 2.0 and Dispensed Medications Report, which will look as follows:

Encounter Balance

Note : This document was improved on May 15th 2023 by attaching the current Billing Statement instead of the former billing statement (that included a breakdown by extension). See more details below.

UCAF 2.0

Dispensed Medications Report


  • Abstracting : Improved Summary File Attachments

November 7, 2022.

Our latest summary PDF report has now additional features that will enhance the experience of HIM users by allowing them to print even more options, improving some existing options and fixing any issues related to this PDF. Please check below all of our improvements :

  1. Generate PDF added and improved functionalities:

A. File Name will now be generated automatically by following this format :


B. ECG/ECHO/Investigation Reports. If you have any related investigation reports like ECG or ECHO tests attached into this account, they can be added now into this report, some particular cases like ECHO Cardiography Report might need additional activations (see example at the end).

C. Medical File*. Additional option that will currently print the Medical Report (V2) used for IP, this report is also visible on Electronic Patient Record.

*To print this option it must have activated the Print in Abstracting PDF checkbox from Form - Search Configuration (see example at the end).

D. Discharge Report*. This form can also be printed as a part of the summarized report.

*To print this option it must have activated the Print in Abstracting PDF checkbox from Form - Search Configuration (see example at the end).

E. Dispensed Medications. This option used to include the Dispensed Medications report but some of the data included there was not needed on this report so we replaced it with the CPOE (Prescription) Report where instead of dispense data and charges data, will only include the most relevant information about the prescribed medications:

F. Nphies UCAF 2.0. This report was already including UCAF 2.0 report but not including our UCAF 2.0 report with Nphies approval data, that we will be implement in the future. Now you can download it as well :

To activate forms in Form - Section Configuration we have also implemented the Print in Abstracting PDF button (only activated from system managers, contact our team to configurate them) :

  • Encounter Balance Format Change

    May 15, 2023.

    In November 2022, we added a new version of the Encounter Balance to Multibilling window that displays in an improved way the charges detail, summarizing and grouping these charges by product category instead of showing the charges for every encounter extension. However, this report was not still working in Abstracting summary and therefore was not being created from the Create Summary PDF option. This enhancement will also be visible on the Electronic Patient Record once generated from either Abstracting option or from Create Summary PDF screen.

    Now, we have standardized this encounter balance format in Abstracting, in order to display the current version instead of the former billing statement.

    The current format looks as follows :

    The former version used to display charges by extension and every extension used to be in a different page so if there was more than one extension, this report used to include several pages with totals for each extension only.

We hope this improves your Cirrus experience. Remember to share this information and ask for help if you need it.

Date: October 17, 2022

Updated: November 7, 2022.

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