Handle Locked Patient in Medical Schedule

10/31/22 You can now schedule appointments with locked patient encounters and start them until they are unlocked back

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de una semana

You can now create appointments in Medical Schedule screen for locked encounters (Electronic Patient Record). This will allow you to manage those appointments when the patient needs to show up again even when their medical record has been locked. This will help you keep track of the consultations agenda and will let users confirm if patient will arrive to their follow-up consultation.

Here are some more details about this enhancement (see demo below) :

  1. In Medical Schedule, select hour and date, then enter the patient's name. If this patient's record is locked, you will see a message telling you which user locked the patient and the reason:

Fill all of the missing fields and Save.

2. Confirm appointment

3. Confirm arrival

You will not be able to start this process until their record gets unlocked again.

Their name will appear crossed out, this to let you know that this patient's record is locked.

You cannot Start Process until their record gets unlocked back but you can edit their information and select all of the other fields that show up when you select the appointment :

To unlock this account, authorized users must select Unlock Patient Record in Electronic Patient Record window and save. Then this appointment can get started.


We hope this improves your Cirrus experience. Remember to share this information and ask for help if you need it.

Date: October 31, 2022.

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