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Display of Lots with Stock Only

02/06/23 New rule for displaying only lots with stock while adding product charges

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de 2 años

We have now improved the lot search while adding charges to the encounter in Encounter charges window (accessed by Encounter Dashboard) by displaying only lots with stock and preventing users from trying to select lots one by one until they pickup the correct one.

Also, in order to prioritize the lots order by their expiration date, when there is more than one lot with stock we will now list them by their expiration date (in ascending order). This last enhancement can be seen now on every window that includes this lot feature.

See all the details below :

In the past, when there was a lot without enough inventory, you used to see the following message after selecting it :

Now, you must only see those lots with stock and if there is more than one, they will be ordered by their expiration date, expired lots will also be displayed (in yellow, on top of the list).

If you select any product without stock, you will see an error message telling you that there are not lots available for the selected product :

The new order by expiration date will also apply on the following windows :

Material Receipt

Internal Use Inventory


*For eMAR, the behavior of this improvement will depend on the type of configuration performed for your organization in Improvement Settings checks for eMAR (see more details at the end).

If your organization has a combination of checks where Medication quantity must be in stock for eMAR appears as marked, then eMAR will not display lots without stock. If it appears as unchecked, then it will display lots without stock.

Example where expired lots appear but lots without stock do not appear :

Direct Billing

Important :

  • This enhancement will only impact storable products with the Lot type configuration. This can be requested via ticket or chat for any storable products and performed in Charge Master II (Product Maintenance) by check both Storable and Lot checks.

eMAR Cases

For ECS Staff Only

This release will respect the following settings scenarios (Improvement Settings window) where organizations have their own cases for showing lots on eMAR,

The settings involved in these cases are :

  • Inventory Management (Y/N)

  • Nursing Charges in eMAR (Y/N)

  • Medication quantity must be in stock for eMAR (Y/N)

  • Create Physical inventory when there is no stock (Y/N)

Case 1 will be the only one that matches with the same impact as this release. The rest will not be affected (2,3,4).

Case 1.

Inventory Management = Y

Nursing Charges in eMAR = Y

Medication quantity must be in stock for eMAR = Y

Create physicial inventory when there is no stock = N

Example :

We hope this improves your Cirrus experience. Remember to share this information and ask for help if you need it.

Date: February 6, 2023.

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