Todas las colecciones
Purchase Orders
Common Actions in Purchase Orders
Common Actions in Purchase Orders

1. Create Purchase Order 2. Create Purchase Order from Requisitions

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de una semana

  1. Create Purchase Order

    To create a new purchase order without a previous requisition order, follow these steps:

    1. Go to PurchaseOrders window.

    2.Create New Record.

    3. Fill up the data fields, here you can enter information for Terms of Payment, Priority, Supplier, Requesting Warehouse, Currency.

    4. Save your changes.

    5. Now click on Add icon (+) to add a product to this order :

    6. A new pop-up window will open, if you want to add a product (not a charge nor a fixed asset, enter their name, and make sure to fill every missing field such as Quantity, UOM, Actual Price and Discounts if apply.

    7. Save your changes and exit from this pop-up window.

    Products will be added to the detail, repeat steps 5-7 to add more products.

    8. To complete this order, click on context menu and select Document Action.

    9. Now select Complete.

    10. Confirm.

    Now you have succesfully created a purchase order, this will create automatically a drafted Material reception document (Material Receipt window) that can be completed once this product arrives.

2. Create Purchase Order from Requisitions

If you, on the other hand, wish to create a purchase order from an existing requisition, check the following steps.

Requisitions have a Document Number, you can view this number in Requisition Window :

Once you have this data, follow these steps :

  1. Go to PORequisitions window

  2. Select a requisition number.

  3. Click on context menu and select Generate Purchase Order.

This will automatically create a a record :

4. Now go to PurchaseOrders window and look for your purchase order, it will appear as drafted, select it to Complete it .

5. Here you can enter data such as price and discounts. Description will include the requisition number.

6. Save.

7. To complete this purchase order, click on context menu and select Document action. Here you will need to select Complete and confirm.

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