
Create Medication, Service, Diet and Other Indication Orders

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de una semana

In Orders option, physicians can create medication (for inpatients), services, diet and indication orders.

This window can be accessed from Physician Dashboard :

And it works as follows :


To add a new medication orders, click on Medication tab and follow these steps :

  1. Enter Drug generic name on Medication search.

  2. Select Quantity, Route and Frequency. Mark as PRN if applies.

  3. Now click on arrow to expand the drug information such as Motive, Dose / Rate , Start Date and Hour, Validity and Diagnostic.

To add more medications to this same order, repeat the process (steps 1-3).

4. Once you have completed the order click on Save. You will need to create a new record if you need to prescribe more medications.


  • This order will be sent to inpatient pharmacist (Pharmacist Dashboard) , if you want to prescribe medications for when this patient leaves, go to Discharge Medications.

  • If you try to duplicate drug therapies (same drug, same route), you will see the following confirmation message :

Where users will be required to add Comments about their duplicated drug therapy and Confirm. If you want to remove of these drugs orders, click on Cancel and then remove the medication on bin icon.

Duplicated therapies can come from the same order (One document with medications with the same route) or from different orders (Two documents with repeated medication orders).

This error will prevent users to duplicate medication orders for the same patient, if you select two different routes it will not be taken as a duplicated therapy.

Orders will be sent to their corresponding service unit but you can also view them in the left menu, for medications click on Meds :

Here, you can perfom these actions :

A. Edit active medication orders.

B. Mark drugs as Authenticated or as Discontinued (select them and click any of these two options if you must).

C. Print eMAR 4hr report for active medications that must be administered in the upcoming hours.


To add service orders for one or multiple services, go to Services tab and follow these steps :

  1. Enter Service name on search.

  2. You will be able to see their insurance coverage status, enter quantity if applies, Priority, and select their service station (if more than one has it).

  3. Click on expand icon to select their presumptive diagnosis, start date, Indications and Motive.

Repeat steps 1-3 to add more services to this order.

4. Save to confirm. These orders will be sent to Service Orders window for their validation and application by Imaging, Laboratory and other services staff.

Note: If you try to duplicate the service name, you will see the following message:

Orders will be sent to their corresponding service unit but you can also view them in the left menu, for services click on Services:

You will be able to filter and look for services and to filter them by their status. Also, you will be able to perform these steps :

A. Edit services.

B. Cancel services (before their completion).

C. Print service orders.

D. Mark as Authenticated or as Discontinued.


For adding a Diet Order, go to Diet tab and follow these steps :

  1. Select Diet type.

  2. Select Diet sub item (diet subclass), check Advance Diet As Tolerated (ADAT) if applies, add Comments and Starting Date.

  3. Save changes.

You cannot add more than one diet, if you wish to replace it, select a new diet and confirm or delete their current diet from the list before saving.

Orders will be sent to their corresponding service unit but you can also view them in the left menu, for this option click on Diets:

Here, you can perform these actions :

A. Mark Diet as Authenticated or as Discontinued.

B. Edit Diet order.

You can also edit and complete admitting data (last option). In the second section, you can select and authenticate admission and encounter actions (select, then click context menu and select Authenticated by LIP):

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