Diagnosis History

Add and edit patient diagnoses

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de una semana

On Diagnosis History from Physician Dashboard, you can add or edit diagnoses for your patient. Click on it to access :

To add a new Diagnosis, follow these steps :

  1. Click on Add icon.

2. Enter diagnosis information for the following fields :

i. Diagnosis name.

ii. Comments (Not mandatory).

iii. Status. Set as Active if it's a current diagnosis.

iv. Check Chronic medical condition if applies.

v. Select Classification (Primary, Secondary or Tertiary).

vi. Enter Date Diagnosed if patient is aware.

vii. Select Type (Admission or Discharge).

3. Save to confirm.

Diagnosis will be added now as their active diagnosis. You can add more diagnoses by repeating steps 1-3.

If you want to inactivate or change data for this diagnosis, double click on it.

To change their status, select Inactive, Resolved or Unconfirmed. You will be required to enter date.


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