Encounter No. for Procedures in EHR

04/17/23 View patient encounter for each treatment and procedure in Electronic Patient Record

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de una semana

We have added a new improvement on Treatments and Procedures subtab (Encounter Data tab) from the Electronic Patient Record. This subtab appears for patients with performed procedures (Surgeries) and treatments (Procedure Schedule for Chemotherapy and Hemodyalisis) and will now include the encounter number for each service after being completed. See the details below :

If you have a patient with applied surgeries or hemodyalisis or oncology services, you will see the breakdown of them. Here, you can see a new column called Encounter No., that will display the encounter number allowing you to see to which encounter each service belongs, improving your communication processes when patient has multiple encounters.

Note : Service Status must be Closed (Finished) in order to appear here.

We hope this improves your experience with Cirrus. Remember to share this information and ask for help if needed.

Date : April 17, 2023.

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