Automatic Replenish (EOQ) Validations

09/25/23 New validations for Automatic Replenish document creation and interaction

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de una semana

Automatic Replenish (EOQ) window allows users to schedule and generate automatic replenish documents by letting Cirrus create requisitions for products that require to be replenished according to their replenish type (Charge Master II) set for each warehouse. However, until now this window was allowing us to generate dozens of requisitions at once, making this background process to run more slowly than usual and forcing warehouse personnel to track all of these requisitions at once. 

Now, we have improved this process and navigation through Automatic Replenish EOQ window, making it run smoothly and also fixing some issues experienced during the Purchase order processes. See these improvements below.

Only Products where Supplier is Current Vendor

Now, if you apply the Supplier filter to the Automatic Replenish (EOQ) search, Cirrus will only display results where this supplier appears as current vendor for the listed products, preventing users to generate requisitions for suppliers that do not manage these storable products.

Warehouse or Product Category Mandatory

In addition to the Supplier filter improvement, Cirrus will now consider mandatory that users should apply either Warehouse or Product Category filters. This in order to ask more specific details before creating requisitions and making users to diminsh the batch size that they're sending to the background process. 

If you forget to apply either of these two filters, you will see the following error : 

After applying the correct filters, Cirrus will be able to generate these requisitions faster and without causing slowness to your other processes :

Fixed Drafted Purchase Orders

During this process, all of those purchase orders that appeared as drafted were being incorrectly considered as open purchase order so their quantities were affecting real amounts in open purchase orders and stopping user processes. Now, every drafted purchase order will no longer be considered during these replenish movements.

We hope this improves your Cirrus experience. Remember to share this information and ask for help if you need it.

Date: September 25, 2023.

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