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Admission and Discharge Dates in Claim Document Detail
Admission and Discharge Dates in Claim Document Detail

02/12/24 Date range improvements to the Claim Document functionality.

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de un año

Now, in order to allow users to read patient information more easily, we have improved the date range information in the Claim Document window and its reports. See all of the enhancements made below.

Claim Document search

Now, the Date Range parameter from the Claim Document's main section (Header) will be called Discharge Date. This to communicate users that the date range applied is that of the patient discharge and not from their admission.

In addition to this, we added an Admission Date column to the Details section and kept the Date column, that will now be called Discharge Date. This will prevent confusions.

Date Range in Invoice Selection

Also, when looking for patient remmissions in the Invoice selection pop-up, Cirrus will now display both Admission Date and Discharge Date columns. This will let users know more details about every patient encounter.

Date Range in the Claim reports.

Both Claim Document Report and Claim Document encounters list will now include - in addition to the Discharge date information - a new column for Admission Date.

See examples :

We hope this improves your Cirrus experience. Remember to share this information and ask for help if you need it.

Date: February 12, 2024.

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