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New Detail Grouping in Consolidated Invoices (KSA)
New Detail Grouping in Consolidated Invoices (KSA)

02/26/24 Improved detail grouping for Consolidated Invoices to comply with XML files structure.

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de un año

In order to comply with the invoice stamping structure for XML files, we have now improved the Invoice Consolidated grouping options for the detail type in invoices.

The options that will now be available are the following :

  • Referrals. Grouping the charges by their sales receipts (extensions).

  • Group by patient encounter. Charges will be grouped by their patient encounter.

  • Unique charge. Charges will be grouped by product class according to their VAT rules (e.g. Medicine charges with VAT 0% will be grouped).

  • Diverse charges. Pending, to be released soon.

Grouping detail type is the selection list that appears when saving the sales receipts that are going to be invoiced (see example where charges are grouped by their referrals) :

In addition to this, we added the following types of detail grouping :

Group by patient encounter

When grouping the invoice detail by patient encounter, every charge from every extension will be grouped by the patient encounter to which they belong, where users will be able to read the patient encounter information. See example :

Unique charge

When grouping the invoice detail by unique charge, every charge from every extension will be grouped by their type of charge and See example :

When exporting this invoice, the charges will be grouped as in the the selected Detail type :

We hope this improves your Cirrus experience. Remember to share this information and ask for help if you need it.

Date: February 26, 2024.

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