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Conssignment Products Information in Inventory Movement Reports
Conssignment Products Information in Inventory Movement Reports

03/18/24 Improvement to our Inventory Movement Reports

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de 12 meses

As part of the improvements in Cirrus to warehouses that handle consignment products, we have added two new columns to the Request of Movement and to the Delivery of Movement reports as well as the Request of products and Product Delivery screens where you will be notified when some of the products are leftover. See the improvements here.

When users generate a request in Product Request and it is for a product with stock on consignment, a green alert will be displayed communicating that said product is available on consignment. Note: If the products are available in a warehouse other than consignment, no alerts will be shown (see example):

In the report of this same window, Request of Movement, a new column will be shown that will tell us if the requested products are Consigned or not:

The same will occur in warehouses when they deliver inventories to another warehouse in Product Delivery screen, where the availability of products in the warehouse will be communicated with an alert:

And in the Delivery of Movement report, which is downloaded in the Product Delivery window, it will be shown in a new column whether the products to be supplied are Consigned or not:

We hope this improves your Cirrus experience. Remember to share this information and ask for help if you need it.

Date: March 18th, 2024.

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