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Lot Display in Product Request Reports
Lot Display in Product Request Reports

04/29/24 Improvement for batch display of products with lots in delivery, confirmation, and product return reports.

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de 11 meses

In order to better communicate delivery information for products handled by batches in Cirrus, we have added the batch column to the Product Delivery, Movement Confirmation, Product Return and Confirmed and Fulfilled Requests Summary Report and in the Detailed Report of Confirmed and Filled Requests. This will provide more information to other service stations when a product is handled in batches and will give details about which batch the product being moved between warehouses belongs to.

In our example we made the movement of a product managed in batches. See how this information will be displayed in the reports on the product movement screens.

Product Delivery

This window was currently displaying the Lot column. If quantities are supplied without a lot or a product without a lot, this field is displayed empty. These fields will now also appear in the report in this window.

This will now also appear on the Delivery of Movement report :

Movement Confirmation

If your organization does not have the Automatic Confirmation at Product Delivery configuration in Configuration of Medical Record, it is necessary to confirm the dispensing and its dispensed quantities in Movement Confirmation. This Lot column also appears here and will now appear in such report:

New column in Movement Confirmation report :

Return of Product

In the Return of Product window it is also possible to view the lot column. This will also be shown in the report from this window :

Return of Movement repot with new column for lot :

Product Delivery Summary

Additionally, in the reports in the Product Delivery Summary window you will also be able to view this new Lot column.

Summary Report of Confirmed and Delivered Product Requests (Detailed checkbox unchecked) :

Lot in the Detailed Report of Confirmed and Delivered Product Requests (Detailed checkbox unchecked) :

We hope this improves your Cirrus experience. Remember to share this information and ask for help if you need it.

Date: April 29th, 2024.

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