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Products Importer Improvements
Products Importer Improvements

05/20/24 Only for ECS Staff - Import Lot, Product Description, Product Name and Price in Product Importer option

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de una semana

Now, staff users can import csv lists of products with one of the following data to be imported (and/or replaced) in Charge Master II window :

  • Lot check

  • Product Description

  • Product Name

  • Change Price check

This can be performed by selecting which type of import is being made when selecting the Column type (now it will include Lot check, Description, Product Name and Change Price check.

To do so, follow these steps for any of the given examples :


To import the lot selection for one or multiple existing products in Charge Master II, we must generate a csv file with the Search Key of the products and in the Description column select if we want to check (Y) or uncheck (N) the Lot box :

Now, in Charge Master II window go to context menu and select Update Product. Here you must import your csv file and confirm :

Now, in the Column pop-up window you must select Lot to complete this import. Click Accept to proceed.

The product information for the Lot checkbox will be updated :

Product Description

Now, to update the product description for one or multiple existing products in Charge Master II, we must generate a csv file with the Search Key of the products and in the Description column enter the Description for these products :

Now, in Charge Master II window go to context menu and select Update Product. Here you must import your csv file and confirm :

Now, in the Column pop-up window you must select Description to complete this import. Click Accept to proceed.

The product's description will be added or replaced with the new data we have just imported :

Product Name

To update the product name for one or multiple existing products in Charge Master II, we must generate a csv file with the Search Key of the products and in the Description column enter the New Name for these products :

Now, in Charge Master II window go to context menu and select Update Product. Here you must import your csv file and confirm :

Now, in the Column pop-up window you must select Name to complete this import. Click Accept to proceed.

The product Name will be updated :

Change Price checkbox

To enable or disable the Price checkbox (for allowing changing charges price in Multibilling window) for one or multiple existing products in Charge Master II, we must generate a csv file with the Search Key of the products and in the Description column enter Y (to enable this checkbox) or N (to disable this checkbox) for the described products :

Now, in Charge Master II window go to context menu and select Update Product. Here you must import your csv file and confirm :

Now, in the Column pop-up window you must select Change price to complete this import. Click Accept to proceed.

The product's Price checkbox selection will be changed for these products :

We hope this improves your Cirrus experience. Remember to share this information and ask for help if you need it.

Date: May 20th, 2024.

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