Todas las colecciones
Physical Inventory
Import initial inventory for products with more than one batch
Import initial inventory for products with more than one batch

Inventory Adjustment import process for several lots

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de una semana

You can easily upload warehouse information by importing initial inventory information even if these items correspond to more than one batch, accelerating your processes by importing .csv - comma separated values - files . This process can be performed on Inventory Adjustment window and here we will show you how it works:

  1. Go to Inventory Adjustment window and click on Create new record to generate a new file.

    You will be taken to a new window where you must fill the order detail, there you must:

  2. Fill Header information, don't forget to enter mandatory fields before saving: Motion Date, Warehouse.

  3. Save.

    A record number will be assigned, this record number must be copied and then entered on first column of your excel file (see column order below).

  4. Generate csv file (see video example)

  5. Now, back on your browser, click context menu and Import.

  6. Click on select file to upload, then browse and choose your csv file name. Confirm by clicking Upload.

  7. Your values will be imported as a list, now use the arrows to validate their breakdown of information and Confirm.

  8. Now you must confirm their locator (warehouse), click accept.

  9. To finish this process, click context menu and select Complete. Then confirm.


  1. If your csv file containes batches information for a batch that does not exist, it will be automatically created, see more here.

  2. Products must have the Lot box checked in Charge Master II in order to perfom lots usage:

3. The current column order goes as follows:

  • [Document No]

  • [Warehouse Key]

  • [Product Key]

  • [Product Name]

  • [Locator Key]

  • [Lot No]

  • [Quantity count Pack]

  • [c_uom_value]

  • [Quantity Count]

  • [UOM Value]

  • [Guarantee Date]

We hope this improves your Cirrus experience. Remember to share this information and ask for help if you need it.

Date: July 21, 2022

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